Flat owner's consent

If you want to open a business in an apartment, which is permitted under the Condominium Law, you must obtain consent from all flat owners in the apartment. For a workplace to be opened in an independent part of the building, permission must be obtained from the other flat owners living in the building. Of course, this permission must be obtained in writing and signed in order to have an official basis.

What is a letter of consent?

A consent form is a written document containing information stating that permission has been given regarding a matter. Accordingly, in order to open a business in an apartment, permission must be obtained from the flat owners. A sample of the condominium owner's consent letter is given below.

Sample letter of consent of business floor owner

Consent to open a business

In flat no.…… of our building ……………………………. We consent to it operating as a hostel.


flat no 1

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ………………………………

Surname ……………………………


flat no 2

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ………………………………

Surname ……………………………


flat no 3

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ……………………………….

Surname …………………………….


flat no 4

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ………………………………

Surname …………………………….


flat no 5

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ………………………………

Surname …………………………….


flat no 6

TC Identification number ……………………….

First Name ………………………………

Surname …………………………….



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