ılıca şelalesi

Küre Mountains General Information

  • Küre Mountains National Park is one of the 41 national parks in Turkey.
  • It is one of Europe's 100 forest hotspots,
  • It has been under protection since 2000,
  • It has an area of 37 thousand hectares, there is a buffer area of 132 thousand hectares,
  • 20,000 people live in it.
  • Its karst structure stands out with its canyons, waterfalls and caves.
  • There are more than 1000 plant taxa.
  • Experts say that it would not be wrong to refer to Küre Mountains National Park as Cave and Canyons National Park.
  • Çatak canyon, Aydos canyon, Valla Canyon and in some small canyons.

Kure Mountains National ParkIt is a national park located on the Küre Mountains in the west of the Black Sea Region. The park is within the borders of Kastamonu and Bartın provinces. Administratively, the district centers around the national park are Azdavay, Pınarbaşı, Nation, Kurucasile, Amasra and Cide.

Kure Mountains National Park covers an area of 103575 hectares together with the buffer zones forming its immediate surroundings. The national park itself is 34018 hectares in size and is located in the Western Black Sea Karst Belt.

   1G4A7103 ılıca şelalesi 1G4A7138 1G4A7119  1G4A7013  1G4A7110

The Küre Mountains, which are gradually being destroyed by various factors, and the western part of the forests on them are very rich in terms of vegetative diversity. The most sensitive part of these mountains, which are to be protected within the Black Sea region of international organizations, was turned into a national park in 1999.

The protection of a part of this large area, which is considered one of the endangered regions of the Mediterranean climate region, was a first step towards the protection of larger areas in the surrounding area. listed below. Of the 8 sensitive points in Turkey, it was the Küre Mountains that could only be included in this list.

The biggest goal in the protection of the region is to keep the region away from copper mining and quarries and agricultural activities to open fields, which damage the environmental cover, in a way that will not undermine the livelihoods of the people living in the region.


Ilica Waterfall 

It is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the region. It is the point that attracts the most visitors every year.

It is one of the few protected areas in Europe supported by the global environmental fund.

Kure Mountains National Park Directorate

Kure Mountains National Park Directorate Units Nature Conservation, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit defined in the Long Term Development Plan; Visitor Management, Education and Public Relations Unit, Park Buildings Implementation and Infrastructure Unit, Administrative and Financial Affairs Unit. A total of 49 people from different professional disciplines are expected to work in these units.

In addition to these, 4 National Park offices will be established in Amasra, Ulus, Pınarbaşı and Cide provincial centers for the effective management of the area.

In addition to the Küre Mountains National Park Directorate, two committees have been proposed to have a say in the management of the region;

  • 1. Küre Mountains National Park and Planning Area Advisory / Steering Committee
  • 2. Küre Mountains National Park and Planning Area Implementation Support Committee

The natural wonder park of Bartın and Kastamonu… 10s of endemic plant species, 100s of plants, animals and a natural life…

Promotional Documentary of the National Park – İz TV


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