Carla and Heli for refugee children in Ankara/ Keçiören district. Building Bridges for Refugee Children They will start hitchhiking on a 13-country route for their project activities.

How was the BBRC project born?

-Education of children who cannot afford to attend local schools
- Integration of refugee children and their families into Turkish society
- To prevent children from being prone to crime, being abused and being used as child labor from the very beginning.
Why armchair (Sofa Solution) solution?
Most European citizens still see refugee migration as something marginal in their lives. We want to increase the exchange of ideas on this issue. We want to show the public how local initiatives can make a difference to children's futures.

Why seat?

The armchairs in our homes not only welcome our guests from past to present, but also stand out as the most important object in the social living areas of the home. We want to revive the tradition by carrying out this journey with a sofa and leave a trace in the places we passed.


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