This hillock, which is an ancient island, was a prayer and wishing point in the middle of the Old Amasra cemetery. Like the "Hıdırlık" in other cities, Amasra's sanctuary has a Nakşibendi dervish lodge here, and there are cemeteries of sheikhs and dervishes around it.
The trustees and sheiks of the lodge foundation were from the Alemdaroğulları family from father to son. Hafız Mustafa, son of one of the last sheikhs, Yahya Edendi (19th century, 2nd yacht), settled in the Nakşibendi Tekke in Sultanahmet after an adventurous youth passing through the ships, and became the "Knotty Father" of Istanbulites for fifty years, in his turban, to unite the lovers, He tied knots in his belt, clothes, and wrists. The manuscript “Kemalname-i Kürümlü Baba” about the knotted father book is in the Süleymaniye Library.
This area was taken under protection by Amasra Municipality in 2015, but the historical cemetery areas around it were opened for development and surrounded by residences.