amasra-bartin-tuneliAmasra and Çakraz Tunnels are Opening!

Tunnels Open on December 24!

AK Party Bartın Deputy, GNAT Justice Commission Spokesperson, Yılmaz Tunç, stated that the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Lütfi Elvan, will come to Bartın on Wednesday, December 24, to open the Amasra and Çakraz Tunnels.

AK Party Bartın Deputy Yılmaz Tunç, Spokesperson of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Justice Commission, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan's To realize the openings of Amasra and Çakraz Tunnels To Bartın on Wednesday, December 24th He stated that he would come.

Deputy Tunç, whose construction started in May 2012 Amasra-Bartın 1100 meter long Amasra Tunnel and B.One of the 5 Tunnels on the Artın-Kurucaşile road and construction works have been completed Chakraz-Idler At the ceremony to be held with the participation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Mr. Lütfi Elvan, of the 968-meter-long Çakraz Tunnel between On Wednesday, December 24 He said that it would be opened to transportation.amasra-tunel-yolu

Deputy Tunç, with the opening of the Amasra tunnel, Bartin-Amasra He stated that the transportation between the cities will be carried out in a safer and shorter distance in 5 minutes instead of the winding roads that take 30 minutes, and that the tunnel and connection roads will make a great contribution to the tourism potential of Amasra and Bartın.

Deputy Tunç said that the project work of the Çakraz-Kurucaşile road, which they included in the program in 2010, was completed in 2011 and they made the construction tender, and then they started the road construction works and the work is currently continuing rapidly, 54 km. long Bartın-Kurucaşile road 'Çakraz'He stated that they opened the 25 km section up to and including the highway as a divided road.

In the project, which includes the construction of 5 tunnels, 2 viaducts and 10 bridges, the first of the tunnels, 968 meters long, will be opened to transportation. Cakraz Tunnel Deputy Tunç stated that the second tunnel is the 2600-meter-long Cumayani tunnel and that the opening works of this tunnel have been completed and the construction of the Dizlermezeci viaduct at the tunnel exit is about to be completed. Stating that the supply tender for the Çakraz-Kurucaşile road will be held in the coming days and the work will accelerate, Deputy Tunç said that 5 tunnels have a length of 12×2-24 km. He said that it will be built in length and that the completed area between Kurucaşile and Cide will also be included in the construction program.amasra-tuneli

Deputy Tunç, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 day Amasra and Cakraz He stated that the opening of the tunnels will be held with the participation of the Minister of Transport, Lütfi Elvan, and that they invited all the people of Bartın to the opening to experience this historical moment together.



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