“EKOROTA BARTIN”, which is carried out by Bartın University with the support of the Western Black Sea Development Agency (BAKKA); Opening meeting of the project titled "MAPPING NATURAL AND CULTURAL CORRIDORS" On Thursday, February 18, at Bartın Governorship 12 Council Meeting Hall. done.
Bartın Deputy Governor Erkan Kalender, Garrison Commander Marine Senior Colonel Mehmet Erdemir, Bartın University Rector Prof. Dr. At the meeting attended by Ramazan Kaplan, district governors, public administrators, private sector and non-governmental organization representatives and citizens, the "Ekorota Bartın Project", which will develop Bartın's tourism and ensure the protection of cultural and natural values, was discussed.
The meeting was held by Prof. from Bartın University Faculty of Forestry. Dr. Erdoğan Atmiş directed it. Prof. Dr. In his opening speech, Atmiş briefly explained the purpose of the project.
The meeting started with a 1-minute silence due to the terrorist attack in Ankara.
Before Kure Mountains National Park He explained that this study, which is a continuation of the project prepared by the surrounding villages to create village design guides, is a project prepared to expand Bartın tourism, which is concentrated only on the coasts and limited to the summer season, to 12 months and to protect the historical, cultural and natural values in the region. For this; He said that within the scope of the project, tourism themes will be created in Bartın and tourism routes will be created in line with these themes. Stating that they cooperated with ÇEKÜL Foundation in this context, Atmiş stated that they wanted to make tourism operators in Bartın happy and support rural development at the end of the project.
Project Manager from Bartın University Landscape Architecture Department provided the technical introduction of the project. Asst. Assoc. Dr. HE HAS SEEN LOVE made. Asst. Assoc. Dr. In his speech, Görmüş said, “With the other project, we expressed the meaning, basis and concept that were problematic for Bartın. With this project, we went into detail, including strategic and conceptual studies as well as implementation. With this project, social and cultural details will be discussed on a Bartın provincial scale. We will do this in collaboration with participating institutions and other stakeholders and by creating holistic themes. We will determine corridors and routes within the scope of the project. Outcomes of the project; “There will be a route map, guidebook and promotional brochure.” said. He saw; as intangible cultural heritage in Bartın at the beginning of the project; Topics such as "Köçek dances, novel culture, Hıdrellez, village chamber conversations, fish season, keskek tradition, harvest period, wire breaking, silk table weaving" came to the fore, and also; “Coal route, Paphlagonia route, Genoese sea route, gastronomy route (local food and forest by-products: chestnuts, walnuts, blackberries…), local/rural architecture route, wild route, bird sounds route, blue route, green route, memory route He stated that routes and museums such as ", forest museum, weaving museum, mining museum" can be recommended.
Esra Karataş from ÇEKÜL Foundation Urban Studies Unit explained how route planning developed in the world and in Turkey and what kind of importance it has in the development of local tourism. Talking about the work they do as ÇEKÜL Foundation on cultural route planning, Kartaş said; Among these, he gave examples of the work they carried out in the Kelkit and Yeşilırmak regions. Karataş “Why and how can cultural routes be used as a tool to protect and ensure the sustainability of natural and cultural heritage?” He stated that the answers to the question should be investigated.
In the last part of the meeting, the opinions of the participants were taken. In this part, where some complaints of tourism operators about the problems of tourism in the province came to the fore, an agreement was reached that the project would be very useful for the development of tourism in Bartın.
The closing speeches of the meeting were made by project supporter Western Black Sea Development Agency (BAKKA) Secretary General İbrahim Kuzu and project owner Bartın University Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Kaplan did it. BAKKA Secretary General Kuzu; “Tourists come, but their stay is short or we see tourism done mostly in coastal areas. As BAKKA, we will do our best to develop tourism in Bartın. "We are open to all projects regarding this issue," he said.
The meeting was attended by Bartın University Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan ended with Kaplan's speech. Prof. Dr. In his speech, Kaplan said, "The duty of universities is to produce such projects and support rural development where they are located." Prof. said that the biggest obstacle to the development of congress tourism in Bartın is that the bed capacity in accordance with the standards has not yet been reached. Kaplan stated that, “If this capacity can be reached, congress tourism can be rapidly developed thanks to the presence of the university in Bartın.